Our actions against counterfeit AMTECH products.
We have recently noticed a surge of ads and other communications on the internet and social networks from various persons and entities claiming to sell authentic "Amtech" products. We are currently working to ensure that when you buy AMTECH fluxes, solder paste & powder, you actually buy a product manufactured by INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS USA.
INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS is a world-renowned formulator and manufacturer of extensive highperformance materials that are tested and validated according to the highest standards and norms to deliver outstanding products. We do this with a commitment to delivering environmentally friendly solutions and return on investment for our customer.
Our fluxes, solder paste, powder, cleaning and coating solutions have been qualified after critical and documented testing by our valued customers. Our ability to develop and provide these engineered solutions worldwide to Aerospace, Automotive, Semiconductor, Medical, Aeronautic, Energy & Automation leading worldwide businesses is the best proof of the quality and reliability of our processes and the reason for our success.
We have terminated our commercial relationship with the platform https://amtechdirect.com as of September 18, 2021. No INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS product is now being sold on this platform or by its affiliated resellers. As of today, lnventec has never authorized or licensed any company to manufacture our AMTECH fluxes, solder paste or powder (and certainly not Amtech Manufacturing LLC). We have never been selling on AMAZON, EBAY or ALIBABA. All purchases of alleged "Amtech" products on Amtechdirect, Amazon, Ebay or Alibaba are made at the sole risk of their purchasers
Accordingly, and to the extent necessary, INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS declines any liability for the defects, quality, technical, and reliability issue or any damages caused by the sourcing and use of non-genuine INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS products. We also want to express our concern that quality issue may result in serious negative financial consequences and threats to the electronics supply chain in sensitive application such as aeronautics, semiconductor and automotive.
At INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS we are taking actions, as part of our continuous commitment, to protect customers and high-performance products supply chain. To reduce the use of ineffective, unsafe, substandard, and uncompliant products, we will keep updating our communications relating to this matter. We pride ourselves in the expansion of our production in Deep River, Connecticut and in providing continuous supply through reliable and clearly identified partners of INVENTEC PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS.